Updated: 24-Jan-01
Example how I set up the DDDAC, placement of prints etc and wiring

It is recommended to download first the PDF Document DDDAC1.pdf with the schematics.
For pictures of all the parts please see the Technical Backgrounds Section and Picture Galery

picbks26.jpg (8790 bytes)
Glimpse of the case lay-out of the DDDAC 2000

No Rocket Science here.....   There are many ways you can set up the lay out, but for the less experienced builder, this lay-out is proven to work fine and can be used as guideline. I you want to do your own, fine, just stick to the basic rules:

  1. Keep the raw side of the power suplly at one end and the analog signals at the other side
  2. Keep wiring short and compact, preferably close to the bottom
  3. Cinch inputs should be mounted FLOATING, do not  connect to the chassis
  4. Keep the signal path for selecting source and Volume short and close to the inputs. With the extension axes easy to do
  5. Make only ground connection to the chassis !!!
  6. Damp the Tube print to reduce microphony
  7. I always rather glue the components than drill holes and screw every thing together.

As said no magic here, just do work secure and consequent, Tube supply voltages are dangerous !! they can and will kill you !!


IMPORTANT: The information provided on this page is intended as guide for DIY activities and therefore free to copy and or publish. If any one wishes to use any of the information from my WEB site, please make sure to refer and footnote to my URL Link as source! Doede Douma